Worship is the true art of one’s soul crafted and guided by the Holy Spirit. The closer we grow to Jesus, the deeper and more precious our worship becomes.
Worship has been a battleground in the church for many years. This has to change! Did you ever wonder why God accepted Abel’s offering of a lamb and rejected Cain’s offering of vegetables? Because authentic worship is a sacrifice which deepens relationship, not a duty performed in order to fulfill a requirement. And, nobody ever cried over a carrot…
But a lamb… now, that’s a different story. If you have ever raised or cared for animals you end up developing a relationship with each one. Giving away one of those dear creatures is indeed a meaningful gesture and yet can be heartbreaking if there is a bond, especially when the intent of the offering includes love, respect, honor… You see where this is going.
In stark contrast to the offering of vegetables, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God was heart-wrenching love and sacrifice offered to every person ever born. Jesus gave up all of heaven to save all of us. He is the only One worthy to sit on the throne. This is why we must put aside our preferences and expectations in worship and ask “What do You require, Lord?”
Authentic, corporate worship is something we GIVE to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When it is offered to God as a sacrifice of praise- worship becomes a source of conviction, hope, and power for our daily lives as well as an inspiration and encouragement to carry the good news to the world. Worship deepens our relationship with Jesus. That relationship is intended to spill out onto the streets in our interactions with people. Jesus did say “if you love Me, feed My sheep”. Worship feeds us so we can feed others. Simple.
There is a lot of discussion these days about “bringing the presence of God” but the truth is- He doesn’t need to be conjured, corralled, or convinced to show up. We are the ones who need to be awakened. God never slumbers or sleeps.
This is important. Worship literally opens our minds and hearts to become aware of, and enter into God’s presence, not the other way around because God is already present with us.
True worship is a lifestyle of joy, a relationship in honor to God, and one of the sacraments we observe on earth and in heaven because we will spend eternity praising the Father with all the angels and believers from every tribe, nation, tongue, and century! Wow, what an image to carry in our minds as we begin to sing together in corporate worship in this life.
In effect, we “practice” worship in order to prepare for eternity. We want to skillfully present pure hearts and hands as an offering of ourselves on this earth so God receives all the glory, respect, and honor once we join this “forever song of praise” in heaven.
For more information on my work experience please view the online Resume.